
The most effective microneedling device in the market

Skin Pen Microneedling

SkinPen by Crown Aesthetics is the first FDA-cleared microneedling device in the world, clinically proven to safely and effectively fighting the appearance of facial acne scars and neck wrinkles. With as few as three non-invasive and affordable treatments spaced 30 days apart, you can improve your appearance for six months after your last treatment – and step out with confidence.

1 session/ 350
2 sessions/ 660
3 sessions/ 970

How does it work?

SkinPen creates hundreds to thousands of “micro” skin punctures per second to stimulate the skin’s natural wound healing process – inflammation, proliferation, and remodeling – to prompt tissue remodeling without causing scar tissue formation. Most patients can return to normal activities within 24 hours. However expect to be pinkish/red for 3-5 days after.


SkinPen should not be used on patients who have active skin cancer in the treatment area(s); open wounds, sores, or irritated skin in the treatment area(s); an allergy to stainless steel or anesthetics; a hemorrhagic (bleeding) disorder or hemostatic (bleeding) dysfunction; are pregnant or nursing; or are currently taking drugs with the ingredient isotretinoin (such as Accutane). Talk to your doctor to see if this treatment is right for you

What are the benefits?

SkinPen is clinically proven to fight the appearance of

acne scars
ice pick scars
fine lines/wrinkles

In fact, 90% of subjects in the clinical trial would recommend the treatment to friends and family. It’s a minimally invasive procedure performed in-office with little downtime. As the first FDA-cleared microneedling device, SkinPen sets the industry standard for safety.

Other body parts:

Please note: Microneedling can be done anywhere on the body!
Example: Back, Glutes

Please inquire within for rates!

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